Hope’s Home is taking care of Saskatchewan’s children
Hope’s Home is Canada’s only medically inclusive daycare, operating across Saskatchewan. We were honoured to catch up with Jacqueline Tisher and Amanda Montgomery of Hope’s Home for an interview about their work and how their group benefits help them take care of their employees.
From humble beginnings
“In 2007 when we bought our first building, we had 12 children and 10 on my waitlist, all medical. When we walked into that 3,500 square foot building, I remember thinking, ‘Wow, it’s so big, how are we ever going to fill this place.’ Little did I know, in the blink of an eye, we were expanded even beyond those walls.”
Watch the video to hear the story of Hope’s Home.
Caring for the whole family
“Our goal was to take care of the whole family so that the child with medical needs can come along with their brother and sister and then also meet peers within the community. We’re raising generations of children that do not see differences because this is how they’re brought up. Their buddy in a wheelchair that might have a tracheostomy or a tube feed or has seizures or has respiratory issues or may need medical intervention throughout the day, it becomes normal. Because that is their normal.”

Taking care of employees
“We want to create a workplace that where you’re healthy, you’re strong, you are taking care of yourself so that you’re able to put your best efforts forward and your best care forward to our kids. Because our kids deserve it, and our staff deserve it. So having group benefits from Saskatchewan Blue Cross is really, really important. It takes that worry and that extra burden for our staff and their whole family to be able to access the benefits and get whatever they need for their health and well-being.”