
Spring clean your to-do list: reprioritize & reenergize

Ahh Spring, the perfect time for a fresh start! Time to clean out the closets, sweep away the cobwebs and get done with all the things you’ve been putting off. Register the kids for activities (and make plans to get them to and from those activities), give your meal plan a make-over, book that dentist appointment (and optometrist too), don’t forget to file your taxes and the tackle the DIY you didn’t get done in winter…

We’ve all been there, the to do list is a mile long with no end in sight and the mental load can feel HEAVY. There’s really only two ways to get things off your to-do list… complete them or delete them. So, here’s a few ways to help you give your to-do list a clean sweep and lighten your own mental load, so you can focus on what really matters.

Take inventory

What’s essential? What’s been sitting on your list for so long it’s started to grow hair? Can you outsource something? Delegate it to someone else? Identify which tasks are worth your time investment. Focus on the end of result of each task to determine its level of importance and priority level.

Break big projects down

Stalling because you don’t know where to start? Tackle bigger projects in smaller pieces – try breaking it down into 15-minute intervals or tasks to make things more manageable.

Pick your top 3 for the day/week (and move the rest)

Now that you’ve taken inventory and broken down those big projects, based on importance and priority choose the top three you need to complete for the day or even the week. Jot ‘em down and move the rest to another day or week based on corresponding importance and priority.

Create a system

For your laundry. For your meals. For your workouts. People are creatures of habit, a solid routine can help you streamline tasks that once burdened you and help keep things from piling up.

Prioritize self-care

Go for the massage. See your Chiropractor. Enjoy the spring weather with an evening walk. We often celebrate being busy, but it’s proven to lead to burn out.  Make sure you can put your best foot forward by first taking care of you.

So how do you keep track of all these tasks?

We love the tried and true method of using a Monthly & Weekly Planner!

Download the free template to get started! Use the habit tracker to record your personal goals, fill the notes section in with your meal plan for the week, jot down your essential tasks on the to-do list, record important events and day specific moments on the weekly breakdown and use the month at a glance feature to create a high-level view.